A cultural visit to start the day

Dear readers,


On the third day we had the chance to experience the cultural site of Vinci, we were welcomed in the Municipality, to visit the Museum of Leonardo Da Vinci and to taste the amazing Italian gelato. After the tasty lunch we explored the topic of media literacy and critical thinking. The topic was serious but we had the opportunity to discover it outside, in the beautiful garden of the church of Santa Maria. We brainstormed about fake news, we shared our oppinions and tips about how to recognise it. After sharing a few creative fake news, created by us, we realised that our group has really good potential in yellow press.

In the last session trough the method of world cafe we discussed how to prevent and avoid the cyberbulling and hate speach, how to recognise fake news, how to be a responsible facebook user and how to manage hot topics in youth work. 

We all agreed that media in general is one of the most powerfull tool but in the same time it can be a also a dangerous one.

#sunshineteddy #savestheday




Via Villa Alessandri, 3 - 50059 Vinci (FI) - Italy

info@associazioneagrado.com - www.associazioneagrado.com


Mobile: +39 347 6151141

Facebook: Associazione Agrado