Associazione Agrado

Associazione Agrado is a local organization which manages projects, activities and actions in order to promote personal development, skills and youth competences through mobility and non-formal Education.

It has been working since 17 years with youngsters and community- on non formal education- and deeply believes in the positive contact between local and European dimension.


It works on youth animation and trainings, empowering youth competences through mobility and the positive exchange of other cultures and differences (Youth Exchanges, TC, Seminars, …).

Agrado especially works on personal development, and on motivation and on competence and skills assessment and self-assessment. Always using Non –Formal education techniques and tools.


Local level: It develops project about personal development (Life skills education in school), organize national camps, workshops and Training Courses and creative/artistic projects and events.

It cooperates with many entities and organizations working in Youth work and providing Youth services, in order to set up a global strategy  for empowering youth.


International level: It organizes Youth Exchanges, Seminars, Training Courses and Actions on education within the frame Erasmus+. It works on Adult Education too, providing Trainings for Teachers.


It performs workshops in schools and Youth Centres about Life skills using the Protocol of WHO (world Health Organisation.

It has accreditation as Sending and Coordinating Organization for EVS projects  (2015-1-IT03-KA110-005825)."


Via Villa Alessandri, 3 - 50059 Vinci (FI) - Italy -


Mobile: +39 347 6151141

Facebook: Associazione Agrado