“PlanBe, Plan it Be it” is a Non Governmental, Non Profit Organization based in Nicosia,Cyprus, managed by a team of youth workers.
Among the main aims of “PlanBe” is contribution to the positive social changes in the society by promoting effective communication, intercultural and intergenerational dialogue, facilitating
understanding among people and establishment of harmonic co-existence.
“PlanBe” has been established to support young people from our town within the framework of non formal education. Together with European volunteers we are creating a platform for young people to
help them to reach their goals. We are working with and for the youth. We encourage their involvement by facilitating innovative free time activities, stimulating their creativity, developing
different skills and sharing information. We support youngsters to use and develop their capacities, and to actively participate in the construction of a united Europe to create one European
platform for
informal cooperation.
The mission of organization is to develop non-formal education, entrepreneurship, creativity, environmental consciousness, foster democracy, human rights, to develop solidarity and tolerance
among young. An important priority for “PlanBe” is to give access to all people, including young people with fewer opportunities and fight against discriminations.
PlanBe has a big network of partners in Cyprus and in Europe. PlanBe is a full member of Cyprus Youth Council since October 2015. Additionally is a member of “ Shokkin Group International” , a
network of youth organizations in Europe and Caucasus working towards giving young people a bigger role in the society. Furthermore PlanBe is a founding member of the International Association
AIM (Amesci International Movement), a network of 17 European Youth NGO’s based in Brussels.
PlanBe has 200 members while the majority of them belong to the fewer opportunities category, facing economical obstacles or live in rural areas.
PlanBe is focusing on personal and professional development of its members and volunteers. With an indirect aim of impacting positive on our local community as well as internationally among
others we implement the following activities:
- Organizing seminars, workshops, lectures and trainings on environmental issues and agriculture,
career guidance, fighting unemployment, inspiring entrepreneurship, culture, crafts and arts, music
and dances etc.
- Organizing Events such as: cultural events containing traditional dances and music, charity events
through sports- football tournaments,
- Support of non-formal education;
- Participation in European projects, especially in Erasmus+ projects
- Work with the youth in regards to the intercultural barriers and stereotypes;
- Organizing and implementing youth exchanges and practice sharing;
- Work with volunteers